Odeia Extras
Providing Everything You Need to enhance your organization
Getting the most out of CiviCRM
We highly recommend this book to help you on your way with CiviCRM - your new Constituent Relationship Management System. Along with our companion guide, you can quickly get started with harnessing the powers of Odeia and CiviCRM to market, raise donations, and fully understand your patron base.
Click here to purchase the book.
Dialpad makes Odeia's communications with clients seamless, easy, and always available, whether on a desk phone, computer, or mobile device. We are happy to show you how to save and benefit from this great solution!
HR and Payroll Services from Gusto
Odeia depends on Gusto to help keep our team running. This easy-to-use and cost-effective solution helps to keep us and countless other small organizations running and in-tune with all the nuances of managing a staff.
Click here to learn more.